Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Tuesday 31st January Cordoba - Mesquita

Up early and across to the Mesquita before breakfast.  

Yesterday there were a number of heavily armed police at the Mesquita, but when we arrived at 08:30 this morning there weren't any.  Presumably the police reason that terrorists don't get up early in the morning.

Wow, this really is a building that makes an impression.  It truly is impressive and we have seen a few impressive buildings on our travels.  Moorish Cordoba was once the richest and most sumptuous city in the known world, so much so that in 929 it was proclaimed an independent Caliphate.  The Mosque, founded in 785, is Cordoba’s main monument.  Inside and out it is decidedly mosque like.  However, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Christians decided to build a Cathedral in the centre of the mosque.  This has resulted in an entirely weird juxtaposition of Christian artefacts sited in pockets within the Moorish architecture. It is truly a wonderful building and unlike any other. 

Once we had finished our unforgettable visit to the Mesquita, and by way of complete contrast, we went to the tiny 14th century Sinagoga in the Calle de los Judios.  Although tiny and simple, the building is very beautiful and is one of only three surviving medieval synagogues in Spain. 

Entrance to the Synagogue
Inscription reads:
"Provisional sanctuary and abode for the Testimony completed by Yishaq Moheb,
son of Mr. Efraim Wadawa, in the year seventy five.
So return, Oh God hasten to return to Jerusalem"

The upstairs was reserved for the women

Note: Double-Click on photos for an enlarged view.   Feel free to post a comment on the blog.

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